About Me

Hello, its me again. I am going to tell you ALLLLLLLLL about me. Well, maybe not ALLLLLLLLL. But anyways. lettucce begin. I am 14 years old and I own 4 cats, and 4 hermit crabs. you can learn more about my pets on The Pineapple's pet page. Also, be sure to check out my freind autumn's blog too. it is called The Book Wandering Corner! Now back to my story. I am home schooled but went to public school all through out preschool and elementery my dear Watson, oh wait wrong story. Anyways, I love all kinds of dogs, but my absolute favorite has to be the King Charles Spaniel. I love huskies too. some of my hobbies include stuff related to dogs, playing piano, and making things out of clay. I am a pretty boring person, LOL. That is all I have to say, thank you for choosing The Great Blog Of Dogs, may I take you order. Oh man! I need to write the correct story on a peice of paper. If I could remember where I put it - Bye! Don't forget to comment and follow me here on https://thegreatblogofdogs.blogspot.com/ !


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